Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Effects of Culture on Marketing of Clothing Essay

The Effects of Culture on Marketing of Clothing - Essay Example Culture refers to the lifestyle (way of doing things) of a given people with its facets such as customs, values and norms, beliefs, aesthetics, traditions, law and politics, education, language and religion ( 2015, p.1) These are related and shared by members of a particular group with defined boundaries. One is never born with a culture but learns the culture thus, the nature of a society depends on both social and cultural aspects learned (Baig 2013, p. 11). As the essence of society and being among the famous â€Å"environmental uncontrollables†, culture is particularly difficult to comprehend, control as well as harness to the advantage of marketing ( 2015, p. 1). This scenario is common with culture bound products or service which, in most cases are naturally indigenous and have a relatively small value. Culture has huge impact in the success or failure of product within a given market. A global market must therefore establish the simil arities and differences in cultures and account for them in designing and developing marketing plans for various products such as clothing, music recording and software (Bearden, Netemeyer, & Haws 2011, p 24).

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